Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Does Your Age Change Your View on Politics

"I look at Obama as the thoughtful consensus builder, with all these nuances,
and John as the straightforward happy warrior."

Rick Warren, World Magazine, Sep 6/13, 2008

My mom shared this quote with me to tonight. What's your initial reaction? Fairly positive of both candidates or very heavily swayed one from the other? If my mom's and my differing reactions is any indication of a typical response, your response may depend on your age.

For my mother, this reaction was very clearly that Warren's comment was very heavily in favor of McCain and almost blatantly negative about Obama. I didn't see any of this in the comment, instead, seeing Warren point out something strong in both cases. I think, for my parent's generation, the idea of "consensus" is not an appealing idea - whereas for my generation, this is a very appealing prospect. In the same note, McCain as "warrior" scares me in ways, rather than comforts me.

Anyways, it was an interesting communication difference between generations in view of the same comment.


D. Wo. said...

I just see Palin as smokin' hot. I don't know if age has anything to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I felt pretty positive about Obama's description. Then when I came to McCains, I was like... Ooo, warrior is a little scary.

Funny how the generations differ.