As the title suggests, my computer's out of commission for a while. I was cramming this afternoon for some reading that I hadn't finsihed and spilled half a mug of water all over my computer. YIKES!!
Needless to say, after trying to dry it out this afternoon, it wouldn't turn on. I'm going to take it apart tomorrow and dry it piece by piece, and we'll see if that helps. Chances are (esp. since I tried turning it back on and it didn't work) that it's fried.
Blog posts will be scarce for a while, as will email, and facebook (although recently, it has been really scarce and I'm way behind on it. Sorry!).
I'm trying to figure out what to do. Here's my options, let me know what you think:
1. Dry it out tomorrow, turn it on, it works, and we're back to normal. Of course, this is the best scenario, but the one that I can't really make a decision to change (other than try to dry it out).
2. Go without a computer. Jack doesn't have a laptop and just does everything he needs to in the computer labs. This is appealing in the sense that I would not be in my room so much...but not very appealing in the sense that it means Skype and IM are pretty much out of the question - and it effects storing pictures and music as well.
3. If it's shot, buy a new computer with money I don't have. Either I'd be paying for it on my student loans (that haven't quite come through yet) or putting it on a credit card and paying it off with student loans over the year (I get them in three installments). While the idea of going into debt for a computer (again) isn't exciting, I did have my last Mac for 4 years (this month, actually). Which leads me ot another question - do I buy something cheap that will work (say $500) or do I buy another Mac that I know I'll use for years (for closer to $1000)....I don't know!
Thoughts? Opinions? Similar stories of woe from your computer getting fried?
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