I can tell the elections are getting close by the amount of email & posts I'm getting & seeing that are don't necessarily exhibit the best intellectual or integrity levels in pre-election material. Here's a few to share with you:
The USSA (brought to you by USAWakeup.org) - this site, emailed to me, hosts a video about how the US is on its way to becoming the next social state with "Socialist Barack Hussein Obama" at the helm. I had thought about spending a few hours going through and addressing each of the points in this video - but really don't have the time. Needless to say, you'll see no acknowledgement of the Republican culpability for laws passed in this piece of propaganda. Now, less my ranting gets confused for support. Some of these decisions were awful and I do think that the $700 billion bailout is a move towards a more socialist society with the Gov't owning coorporations. However, criticism of others must come with a recognistion of our own culpability and, last time I checked, the US was still a two-party state and Republicans couldn't have all abstained from the actions mentioned and them still pass - so, if we're not where we want to be - to what degree have we, as Republicans, become accomplices in that? (not to mention, it's a little sketchy when a website like this is run by ONE person who refuses to be held accountable by interacting with others).
Christian Radio Banned on the Airwaves - it seems that there's been a revamped version of the earlier email that went around about petition 2493 saying that Christian broadcasts would be banned on the airwaves. While the copy I recieved referred to Joel Olsteen, Joyce Meyer, etc., the body of the email is the same content as this one. The basic story behind is that there was a petition named 2493 back in the 70s (?) that was around all of one year before being voted down. The idea in the bill was to protect frequencies set aside for Education from being used by anyone - including religious groups. Doesn't seem like there was any malicious intent targeted at Christians with this one.
A List of All the People Who Need Jesus - a fairly lengthy version of those banners that people hold on street corners. Interestingly enough, this one "loud mouthed women", "sports nuts", "Catholics" (to whom Protestantism owes a huge debt and with whom Luther never desired to fracture), P.K.'s (?? Pastor's Kids??), "effeminate men", and "high folutent* sophisticated swine", and, as my friend Cody points out, a creator who didn't know how to use apostrophe's currectly.
*sadly enough, in case there was any confusion, the use of "folutent" almost definitely means this is from the South or Midwest somewhere...as if we didn't have a bad enough wrap already with the KKK (who unfortunately align themselves with Christianity) and the "God Hate's Fags" group in Kansas.
1 comment:
I don't really care who wins at this point. I just want the election to be over.
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