Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grad Schools :-)

So, here's where I'm at in Grad school applications:

Partial Apps Completed
University of Nottingham
University of Manchester
University of London

Apps Not Started
Cambridge University
University of Oxford

Both of these two - I guess because they process so many applications - don't let you apply until 13 months before their programs - so I'll have to wait until September or so. Ahh!

It's exciting to be working on this stuff though - I can't wait to get off to Grad school. It's really intimidating at this point and I psych myself out - but I keep reminding myself that even though I wasn't in Alpha Chi or the top of my class, a 3.6 meets all the GPA requirements for all the schools, including Cambridge and Oxford. Unfortunately, I'm 3 hundreths of a grade point shy for the Marshall Scholarship (it would pay for my entire graduate program), but I'll apply anyways. What the heck, why not! :-)

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