Saturday, August 16, 2008

Web Tip: Facebook & Multiple Blogs

( - combining multiple RSS feeds)

I ran into a problem. I'm now running two blogs - this one and then one about my year at Queen's. I did this because this blog you're reading tends to be fairly random about what's going on in my life - but I wanted a blog where friends and family could find out about my year at Queen's and really just stay up-to-date on things there - not all the randomness that goes through my head.

Facebook can import a blog into your Notes. However, it can only import ONE blog, so it mean that I would have to choose between the two which would be sticky, since I really wanted it to post both. Well, I found a work around:

Yahoo Pipes

It's really a kind of odd (yet, pretty nifty) program that Yahoo bought and is now administering. Basically it allows you to create a "pipe" of information and how it is processed. For my situation, I simply had the first part of the pipe look up to RSS Feeds (the two feeds for my blogs) and then had it output those two feeds. This output creates another page that has it's own RSS feed. That RSS feed takes into account BOTH blogs and will follow all updates. Bingo! So, I just took the RSS feed from my pipes setup and pasted that into Facebook's Note's importer and now Facebook is importing any new posts I make to either of my blogs. Success!

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